ACSA Legislative Platform 2019-20
Adopted every two years, ACSA’s Legislative Platform establishes the advocacy priorities for the organization. ACSA_OneVoice_2019-20_Leg_Platform_FINAL
Adopted every two years, ACSA’s Legislative Platform establishes the advocacy priorities for the organization. ACSA_OneVoice_2019-20_Leg_Platform_FINAL
This month’s featured articles: President’s Message Bold and Courageous Leaders in Region 6 Region 6 Welcomes New Superintendents ACSA Leadership Summit in San Diego Thriving on The Vine: Cultivating Creative, Bold & Courageous Leadership Featuring George Couros, The Innovator’s Mindset Rushton … Continued
IN THIS UPDATE: K-12 Education Funding Overview n Systems of Support for Schools Legislative Proposals Professional Development WES_STATE_UPDATE_1-11-18_FINAL
ACSA’s Legislative Platform, adopted every two years, establishes the advocacy priorities for the organization with the underlying premise of supporting what is best for students. The Legislative Platform, developed by the Legislative Policy Committee, is approved by the Leadership Assembly … Continued
Open the following link to view the ACSA Governmental Relations Legislative Year in Review. ACSA_Legislative_Year-End-Report_2017_FINAL_10_24_17
Visit ACSA’s state advocacy website for up to date information on federal and state legislation. From funding issues to pension reform, ACSA provides a voice for educational leaders throughout the state.
Advocacy in Action is ACSA’s inaugural statewide grassroots advocacy event to be held in October 2017, in celebration of Local Advocacy Month. Make an effort to reach out to your local legislators. Find out more at Advocacy in Action
Open the following link to view the ACSA Governmental Relations Legislative Year in Review. Legislative Year in Review [pdf]
We are happy to announce that we are changing the delivery method for our Region Newsletter, The Advance. Beginning this month we will utilize Constant Contact, a popular online marketing email tool. We are confident that by using this tool, … Continued
Download the March Edition of the Advance Newsletter as a PDF Highlights in this issue: Election Results Administrator of the Year Winners Student Winners RASA Networking Event New Members Delta Charter Event Mini Grant Winners Leadership Summit