Flash News * May 10, 2023
Region 6 Survey deadline extended to May 15. Flash 5-10-23
Region 6 Survey deadline extended to May 15. Flash 5-10-23
Your voice is critical in guiding Region 6. Complete Region 6 Survey. Flash 5-2-23
Delta Charter holds Panel Discussion for Aspiring School Leaders. Flash 4-24-23
ACSA Region 6 Administrator of the Year Awards Dinner; State ACSA winners announced: Nanette Gray for Special Ed Administrator of the Year and Julie Braun Martin for Retired Administrator of the Year. Flash 4-11-23
This issue’s featured articles: President’s Message; Region 6 Executive Committee 2023-24; Administrator of the Year Awards Celebration; Bay Area Equity Symposium; ACSA State Board Adopts New Strategic Plan and Legislative Platform; Region 6 Supporting Members Personally and Professionally; Thinking of … Continued
Special Election 2023 issue with candidate statements. Flash 2-24-23
ACSA Region 6 Administrators of the Year; Region 6 funding opportunities; Registration for 3 upcoming PD events still open. Flash 2-6-23
Equity Symposium Registration Extended; The Teaching Well Part 2 Resheduled. Flash 1-25-23
Equity Symposium February 17-18; Region 6 Grants and Scholarships; Every Student Succeeding; CAAPLE Symposium March 4; The Teaching Well Part 2; Assistant Principal Affinity Group. Flash 1-10-23
Equity Symposium Registration; The Teaching Well Seminar on January 24, 2023; Assistant Principal Affinity Group; ACSA Administrator of the Year Nominations due on January 19. Flash 1-3-23