Annual Strategic Goals 

(approved by R6 Executive Committee September 6, 2024

Region 6 Focus Areas


  1. Work with individual member school districts to assist with sending out ACSA Region 6 communications so that we can efficiently reach current and new/potential members
  2. Increase the regular and consistent dissemination of communication
  3. Focus on district/charter events and highlight their value and scope


  1. Resurrect the Region 6 Professional Development Conference
  2. Provide member access to convenient, short, ongoing, and differentiated professional development opportunities focused on equity and diversity, best practices for equity, changes in legislation/Ed Code, and SEL for adults


  1. Increase participation in local, State and National advocacy
  2. Provide more frequent communication regarding legal updates, governmental relations activities, legislative activities, suggested ideas to connect with local leaders, opportunities to participate and advocate, etc.
  3. Highlight ACSA legislative actions and focus on equity


  1. Expand scope of ACSA Region 6 recruitment – Continue with the “What ACSA can do for you” campaign
  2. Survey and analyze Region 6 members on best ways to support their work as members of ACSA

R6 Strategic Goals Approved 9.6.24