Phyllis Hamilton, President
Sandy Prairie, Past President
Cynthia Rapaido, Vice President
Pam VandeKamp, Secretary
Dick Lloyd, Treasurer
Peter Van Cort, At-large Rep
David Thornley, Region 6 Retirement Committee Rep
Rose Lock, Region Executive Director
Steve Collins, Region Consultant
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Barbara Burg and Susan Burleson were on hand at the Region 6 Awards Dinner where Charter President Dick Lloyd received the Region 6 Presidents Award for 2022. | Region 6 Representative to the ACSA Retirement Committee Gail Yothers received the Region 6 Retiree of the Year Award. |
August 10, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
My name is Sandra Prairie and I have recently become the president of our retiree charter. In hopes of reaching out to more of you to become connected to our group, we are sending this letter to you to encourage you to first actively support two important bills that call for the repeal of both the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO). H.R. 82 (Davis-IL) and H.R. 5723 (Larson-CT) The WEP and GPO are earned benefits that retirees have paid for. Millions of public service workers and educators are unfairly penalized by the WEP & GPO. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) penalizes earners who have had two jobs, one where they paid into Social Security taxes and one in which they paid into a public pension.
Our representative to the state ACSA board, Gail Yothers, emailed a letter on June 24 to Region 6 Retired Charter members asking for a call to action by signing the MoveOn petition via their website
Since we do not have everyone’s email addresses and this is critically important to all of us, we are reaching out by mail to ask you to support this issue. Also, If you didn’t get the email, please inform Rose Lock, ACSA Region 6 Executive Director. Rose will add you to our R6 Retirement Charter email list and send the June 24 email to you. You may also opt to get future email from your R6 Retirement Charter.
Secondly, we encourage you to stay in touch with your friends and colleagues through the retiree charter. We hold three luncheons yearly which not only offer opportunities to connect but provide guest speakers on topics of concern for all. As part of our outreach, we are asking you to provide us with input on what topics most interest you. Please take a moment to take a quick survey of what topics would interest you so we can better serve our community of retirees. Click the words survey link.
Thank you and I hope to see many of you at our luncheons.
Download the letter at Email to Retiree Charter from President
Luncheon Meetings for Region 6 Retirees 2023-24
Report from State ACSA Retirement Committee
A: Purpose: The purpose of the Retirement Committee is to be the bold advocate protecting our retirement benefits.
B: Annual Goals:
- Increase the One Time Death Benefit from CalSTRS from $6163 to include a COLA.
- Increase the Supplemental Maintenance Benefit Account of 85% Benefit to 91%
- Support the Brady Bill HR 711 dealing with Windfall Elimination Provision Provision from Social Security
- ACSA Board Directors Approval to have Committee representation at every CalSTRS Board Meeting (Done)
- Prior committee resolution to get retired ASCA member appointed to the CalSTRS Board (Done)
- Continue to actively support ACSA Ambasador Program (Ongoing)
- Propose an ACSA Society membership for members who note ACSA in their Wills/Trusts
- Create a member use group on google or Yahoo to increase communication