The general purposes of ACSA, Region 3 are to promote the advancement of a an equitable, quality education for all students and to promote and support the Mission of State ACSA, which is:
ACSA Mission Statement
The Association of California School Administrators is the driving force for an equitable, world-class education system, and the development and support of inspired educational leaders who meet the diverse needs of all California students.
The Region’s Goals/Objectives for 2023-2024 School Year:
GOAL 1: To be a dynamic professional community of educational leaders who collaborate and contribute their experience and expertise to support each other’s professional growth.
- Objective A:. Bring diverse educational leaders together to contribute to professional growth
- Actions: Promote state wide & regional conferences and opportunities, Development of WLN, Aspiring Admin Cadre, PD Scholarship Opportunities
- Metrics:
- R3 Attendance at all ACSA Conferences
- Special Attn. to: Leadership Summit, Principal Institute & North State Conference
- Participation rates for WLN and Aspiring Admin
- Participation in ACSA-driven mentorship opportunities
- Requests for PD Scholarships
- R3 Attendance at all ACSA Conferences
- Objective B. Provide meaningful experiences that increase new membership and engagement for all members
- Actions: New admin Cadre and Aspiring admin Cadre, WLN, content rich social media on targeted platforms, purposeful meeting location, Membership drives.
- Metrics: Attendance at said events, increase of membership, social media analytics, engagement feedback through tools such as google forms.
GOAL 2: To be a leader, credible voice, and trusted partner in addressing the issues impacting the diverse needs of students and the administrators that support them.
- Objective A: Raise awareness of local and state educational issues
- Actions: Invite local and state officials, including ACSA Governmental Relations staff to R3 trainings and events
- Metrics: Attendance at -Leg Action Days, Meetings with legislators in their district offices, Meetings/tours for legislators at local schools and districts; Meetings with ACSA advocates to discuss local issues/priorities, Invitations for legislators to present at/attend R3 trainings and events
- Objective A: Raise awareness of local and state educational issues
- Objective B: Provide opportunities that promote equitable practices
- Actions: WLN, Professional Development activities, Leg Action, highlight equitable practices in newsletters/delegate assemblies
- Metrics Demographic information from sign in sheets (charter representation, gender, ethnicity, age range, years in education)