Serving on a job-alike council or committee is a great way to become involved in ACSA
ACSA’s effectiveness in shaping education policy at both the state and federal level lies in its grassroots strength. To that end, ACSA is structured with issue-focused committees and job-alike councils made up of education leaders. Region 11 will have open positions for representatives to the following council/committees next year:
• Member Services Committee• Retirement Committee
• Business Services Council
• Career Technical Education Council
• Human Resources Council
• Student Services / Special Education Council
Go to to view descriptions of each council or committee and contact information to learn more.
The expectations of a representative to a state council or committee are:
• Attend all state committee meetings, or if a conflict occurs, see that arrangements are made for an alternative to represent the region attends.• Prepare a written/oral report to be presented at the first region board meeting/region leadership assembly following each state meeting.• Submit a summary of committee/council actions to the Director of Communications for publication in the region newsletter.• Establish and coordinate region committee/council meetings, as needed.• Maintain regular communications/networking — email, fax, letters, phone, website, etc. — with your job-alike colleagues regarding activities of your state meetings.• Attend region planning retreat and/or orientation workshop.
If interested, complete the nomination form:, and return it to Rocio Muñoz, . Nominations are due by April 1. Questions my be directed to Muñoz.