Our last Region 8 Board meeting and Leadership Forum for this year will be held this Thursday, May 1, 2014 at Antonella’s restaurant in San Jose from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. The Leadership Forum topic will be Project Based Learning and the Common Core and will feature Thom Markham, Ph.D., psychologist, educator and writer.

Dr. Markham co-founded the Marin School of Arts and Technology, the flagship school for Envision Schools and led the strategic initiative at the Buck Institute for Education to establish global training programs in project based learning. He also co-authored BIE’s Project Based Learning Handbook, now in its third printing with over 40,000 copies sold in 50 countries. Dr. Markham will be discussing how PBL works and how it fits in with the Common Core.
We hope you will join us for this informative event!