ACSA’s 13 councils represent the different job-alikes within school administration. These groups provide a broad range of viewpoints regarding public education in California. The job-specific councils, made up of practicing administrators from each ACSA region, bring together the best of two worlds- a united association and a unique representation for specific job types. Council members may be elected or appointed by region presidents. Each will elect its own council president and have a vote on the Legislative Policy Committee. Councils create their own bylaws that will be consistent with ACSA bylaws and ratified by the Board of Directors. The Region 8’s 2020-2021 members are noted below.  Councils include the following:

  • Adult Education – Giuliana Brahim
  • Business Services – Kevin Franklin
  • Career Technical Education – Joell Hanson
  • Classified Educational Leaders -Priscila Caballero
  • Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment – Bill W. Sanderson
  • Early Education – Jessica Tejada
  • Educational Options – Carl Stice
  • Elementary Education – Magdalena Moore
  • Human Resources – Lisa Hickey
  • Middle Grades Education – Lisa Katimbang
  • Secondary Education – Vivian Rhone-Lay
  • Student Services & Special Education – Shelly Ota
  • Superintendents – Kevin Grier

In addition, ACSA’s committees and special groups are formed to address specific areas of interest to public school administrators or to address specific political issues, focusing their efforts on one identified purpose. Most committees are made up of representatives from each ACSA region and have a vote on the Legislative Policy Committee; others, including special groups, have different criteria for member selection. Committees and special groups include the following:

  • Equity, Achievement & Diversity for Success – Trudy Gross
  • Co-Administration – Jennifer Anderson-Chaffe
  • Leadership Development – Joann Vaars
  • Vice Presidents for Legislative Action – Heather Wellendorf
  • Legislative Policy – Cheryl Jordan
  • Member Services Committee – David Putney
  • Retirees – Denise Williams   Retiree Bylaws
  • Small School Districts –
  • Urban Education –
  • Awards Committee – Joell Hanson & Maurissa Kolde
  • Aspiring Administrators – Mia Cruz
  • Women’s Leadership Network – Dr. Mary Ann Dewan

For those seeking appointment to a council, committee or special group, contact Region 8’s president.