On April 25th, the ACSA Region 8 Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Eric Andrew graciously accepted his award and then bounded off the stage to hug young Alexa Balco, recipient of the Every Student Succeeding Award. Without students like Alexa, Superintendent Andrew said he wouldn’t be standing there before the room filled with Region 8 leaders, which prompted another eruption of applause punctuating his sentiment. Each one of the 13 educational leaders was recognized for his/her ability to empower others in their drive to see students succeed.
High school principal Vito Chiala’s conviction that “students deserve better than society gives them” shapes his work at Overfelt where he has stretched his staff to design powerful learning communities to benefit students. Principal Todd Shimada of Hyde Middle School believes that “philosophical complacency is a disservice to students,” and so do his data driven teachers, who took action to transform their instruction for their students’ sake. At Rosemary Elementary School, it is evident Principal Brian Schmaedick is committed to his school community where he strives to build strong connections between families and community services. Lynn Shimada of Cupertino Union School District grounds her professional development in shared learning experiences focused on a common vision of innovation and creativity that positively impacts teachers and students. Lena Bundtzen, Special Education Director in Campbell Union High School District developed programs, partnerships, and services to ensure students receive rigorous and meaningful instruction. Tom Anderson, Lena’s counterpart in Berryessa, is not only an advocate for students, he is a champion of teachers and parents. Human Resources Director, Joel Herrera, persists in finding ways to help all employees, particularly classified staff, realize that they are the key to a child’s dream, as he so aptly states, learning starts at the bus stop! Adora Fisher, also of Cupertino, believes, the key to improving student achievement is to build and sustain effective systems that increase teacher growth. Technology guru, Jeff Bowman, strives to infuse technology into instruction through partnerships with companies such as Apple that help in developing differentiated learning experiences for teachers that benefit students just like Alexa. Bob Harper, Director of Adult Education, leads on behalf of our adult students who need a special advocate to open legislative and systemic pathways to learning through the creation of state-wide programs and consortiums. Cheryl Rivera, Assistant Principal at Milpitas High School, has a humble aura that nourishes her drive for equity and inclusion of all students in AP and honors courses. Like Cheryl, Manny Barbera champions the needs of underrepresented students, and is committed to the well-being of students in public education.
Our students need us to advocate for them, and in some cases, that means being their voice and speaking to the hearts of those who can make a difference in their lives. As members of ACSA, we are that voice, for each other, our staffs, and especially, for our students like Alexa Balcos.
Congratulations 2013-14 ACSA Region 8 Awards Winners!!
Every Student Succeeding…………….Alexa Balco, Oak Grove SD
Superintendent…………………………..Dr. Eric Andrew, Campbell UESD
Secondary Principal……………………..Vito Chiala, East Side UHSD
Middle Grades Principal………………..Todd Shimada, Cupertino SD
Elementary Principal…………………..Brian Schmaedick, Campbell UESD
Central Office Administrator………….Lynn Shimada, Cupertino SD
Special Education Administrator…….Lena Bundzten, Campbell UHSD
Student Services Administrator………Tom Anderson, Berryessa SD
Personnel/Human Resources Admin…Dr. Joel Herrera, Cupertino SD
Curriculum & Instruction Admin…….Adora Fisher, Cupertino SD
Robert E. Kelly Award…………………..Manny Barbara, Retired
Technology Administrator……………..Jeff Bowman, Cupertino SD
Valuing Diversity Award……………….Cheryl Rivera, Milpitas USD
Adult Ed. Admin., STATE ACSA WINNER: Bob Harper, Campbell UHSD