RAC Plans Calendar for Upcoming Year

posted in: Retired Administrators | 0

The ACSA Region 7 Retired Charter (RAC) recently met to plan meetings and social events for the upcoming year.   RAC provides members the opportunity to keep in touch with what is happening in education, while at the same time focusing on opportunities to continue socializing with former colleagues and learning about what is changing in retirement benefits, the best Medicare programs, travel opportunities, etc. RAC members enjoy monthly luncheon meetings and several social get togethers throughout the year.   There are two types of retirement memberships- Full Regular Retired Membership and Emeritus Membership. Visit https://www.acsa. org/join for retired membership applications. Contact RAC President Barbara McCleskey at Barbara_ if you have any questions. A schedule of RAC meetings and social events are listed on the ACSA Region 7 calendar on our website.