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Article I — Name, Purpose, and Restrictions

1.01 Name.  The name of the region is Association of California School Administrators,

Region XIX (ACSA Region XIX), a geographical division of the Association of California

School Administrators (State ACSA) embracing Riverside County.

1.02     Purpose.  The purpose of Region XIX is to promote within the region the purposes of State ACSA as stated in the ACSA bylaws, with programs and activities similar to and consistent with those of ACSA.


1.03     Restrictions.  All policies and activities of the region shall be consistent with:

(a)        State ACSA bylaws, policies and standing rules;

(b)        Applicable federal, state and local antitrust and trade regulation laws;

(c)        Applicable tax-exemption requirements; and

(d)        All other legal requirements including the California Nonprofit Corporation Law under which State ACSA is incorporated and to which the regions are subject.

Article II — Members

2.01     Membership.  Membership in ACSA Region XIX shall be limited to persons who are members of State ACSA in good standing and who are employed/live within the geographical boundaries of the region.


2.02     Charter Membership.  Each charter may establish membership categories it deems appropriate, however, only charter members who are also ACSA members will be eligible for charter or Region XIX leadership positions or region financial reimbursements.

2.03     Member Obligation to Follow Association Rules.  Each member of this region agrees to be bound by these bylaws and any amendments, thereto, and by the lawful action of the board or voting members of the region.

Article III –Dues

3.01     Dues.  The board shall assess dues, if appropriate.

Article IV — Board of Directors

4.01     Board of Directors.  The board is the governing body of the region and has authority and is responsible for the supervision, control and direction of the region.


4.02     Members.  The board consists of the elected officers, ACSA State Committee and Council representatives, charter presidents, and each charter’s region board delegate, all of whom shall be regular members in good standing of ACSA, Region XIX.  The board may designate others as members.

4.03     Meetings.  Board meetings will be held no less than five times each year, and may be held in conjunction with delegate assembly or region sponsored event.


4.04     Notice.  Regular board meeting dates will be announced on the governance calendar prior to July 1.  The board may hold special meetings upon sufficient notice by the president.  The board may also meet without notice if each member signs a written waiver.

4.05     Quorum.  A quorum of the board shall be the number of directors present as authorized in these bylaws.

4.06     Board Action.  Every act or decision done or made by a majority of the directors at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present shall be deemed an act of the board.

Article V — Officers

5.01     Officers.  The elected officers of the region shall be:




Vice President, Legislative Action

Vice President, Membership

Vice President, Committees/Councils

State ACSA Board Director

The President, President-Elect, Vice President Legislative Action, Vice President Committees/Councils, and Vice President Membership shall be Region delegates to the State Delegate Assembly.  Other delegates as needed will be appointed by the Region President.

5.02     Qualifications.  Officers, board members, and delegate assembly members shall be regular members in good standing of ACSA.


5.03     Election and Term of Office.  Candidates for region office will be selected by a region nominating committee appointed by the president at the Leadership Conference held in June each year.  The president-elect will be the chairperson.  Charter and committee representation shall be assured.  The nominating committee report will be presented to the membership at a delegate assembly meeting prior to February 1.  Nominations may be made from the floor with written permission from the candidate.  A minimum of two names should be submitted for these offices:

Number of terms served indicated in brackets ().

President-Elect (1 year)

Vice President, Legislative Action (3 years)

Vice President, Committees/Councils (3 years)

Vice President, Membership (3 years)

State Board Director (3 years)

President-Elect will succeed to President (1 year)

President will succeed to Past President (1 year)


President’s Assistant and Treasurer.  A President’s Assistant for the Region and a Treasurer for the Region shall be appointed by the President.  The President’s Assistant shall prepare the minutes of all region board and delegate assembly meetings and complete other duties as may be determined by the President.  The Treasurer shall serve as the region controller and will work with the past president on budget and financial issues for the region.

Women’s Leadership Network Liaison, Sponsorship Liaison, Mentor Liaison.  At the discretion of the Region XIX President, an appointment will be made annually for a liaison to assist with the Women’s Leadership Network, Sponsorship solicitation, and the region Mentor program.  The role and functions of these three liaisons will be visited annually.

Elections shall be held in February.  Ballots will be available by February 1 to all ACSA Region XIX members.  Ballots will be returned to the region office by March 1 and tallied.  The Region Consultant shall certify the tally prior to the March meeting of the Region XIX Board.  The President-Elect, as chair of the nominating committee, shall announce the election results at the March meeting of the Region XIX Board.

5.04     Duties.


President:  Administrative officer of Region XIX.  Plans for and conducts board meetings and delegate assemblies, and directs responsibility for all region conferences, gatherings, and sponsored events.  Directs region consultant in carrying out the goals and mission of the region.  Directs the communications of state and region issues within the region.  Directs appointment of qualified candidates to open region and state offices.  Delegate, State Delegate Assembly.


President-Elect:  Assistant administrative officer of Region XIX.  Provides the administrative leadership for region charters.  Assumes duties of the president when necessary.  Directs the nominating committee.  Assumes the office of president the following year.  Delegate, State Delegate Assembly.


Vice-President, Legislative Action:  Administers the region legislative action program in direct relationship to the state committee.  Provides leadership for the charter vice-presidents/legislative action.  Develops the budget needs of the committee.  Delegate, State Delegate Assembly.


Vice-President, Committees/Councils:  Provides leadership for the region committee/council representatives and their committee/council programs.  Develops the committee/council program for leadership conference.  Secures qualified candidates for committee/council representatives and submits names to the board for approval.  Delegate, State Delegate Assembly.


Vice-President, Membership: Provides leadership for charter membership chairpersons.  Develops the membership program for the leadership conference.  Attends and reports on state membership committee meetings.  Directs the process for updating ACSA membership records for the Region.  Directs the membership campaign.  Delegate, State Delegate Assembly.

Past President:  Develops and is responsible for the region financial program and any personnel required to carry out the financial function and shall be authorized to sign financial documents.  Directs the awards committee in selecting and presentation of state and region awards.  Serves as the region parliamentarian.


5.05     Vacancies.  In the event of an officer vacancy, the board will fill the office with a qualified region leader.


5.06     Board Attendance.  Elected region officers who are unable to attend a meeting shall notify the Region Consultant of their absence and reason.  After two absences without prior notification, the elected region officer will be notified and their name will be placed on a future agenda for a vote of no confidence.

5.07 Removal from Office.  The Board may remove from office one of its elected region officers upon a majority Board vote of no confidence for failure to perform duties as described in Article V of the Region Bylaws.

Article VI — State ACSA Director, Region XIX

6.01     State ACSA Director.  Pursuant to state bylaws 5.03, the region shall elect a State ACSA director in the manner provided in these bylaws, who shall be a regular member in good standing in the region.


6.02     Election and Term of Office.  The State ACSA Director shall be elected for a three year term.  At least two candidates will be named on the slate of officers by the region nominating committee pursuant to region bylaws.

6.03     Duties.  Serves as a member of the region board, attending those activities sponsored by the region.  Attend the State ACSA board meetings and allied State functions.  Serve as liaison to assigned State Committees and make reports to the board(s).  The State ACSA director shall communicate with the region respecting all significant ACSA matters which are relevant to the region.  The director will also communicate to the State ACSA board of directors those matters significant from the region.

6.04     Vacancy.  In the event of a vacancy in the office of State ACSA Director, the region board will appoint a director to fill the office until the next region election.

Article VII – Region Delegate Assembly Meetings

7.01     Meetings.  The president shall calendar and plan a Region Delegate Assembly on a date before the State Delegate Assembly meeting.  Other region delegate assemblies may be called at the request of the board with no less than a four week notice to the delegates unless the president determines that an emergency exists.


7.02     Delegates.  Delegates to Region Delegate Assembly will be the charter president, charter board delegate, charter vice-president/legislative action, charter vice-president/membership, and region committee/council representatives.  Charters may appoint a delegate representative if one person serves in two of these positions, i.e, as both the charter president and charter board director.  Charters with an ACSA membership of 100 or more may also appoint an additional delegate as determined by the charter.

7.03     Purposes.  The Region Delegate Assembly will consider and act upon all issues to be considered by the State Delegate Assembly, thereby directing region delegates as to the region vote at the State Delegate Assembly.  The region delegate assembly shall be the legislative and policy-making body and have the responsibility of translating the purposes of the region into programs that will enhance the capabilities and performance of the members.


Article VIII — Region Committees/Councils

8.01     Region Committees/Councils.  There will be such standing committees/councils as authorized by the State ACSA Board.  The region board may authorize special committees to carry out region programs.


8.02     Membership of Region Committees/Councils.  Charters will delegate at least one of its ACSA members to each standing committee/council.  Other charter members are encouraged to participate in committee/council functions.

8.03     Committee/Council Representative.  Appointment of the region representative to a standing committee/council is made by the president on recommendation of the vice-president/committees/councils and approval of the board.  The chairperson is appointed for a three-year term as scheduled by State ACSA.  If a vacancy occurs prior to the completion of the term, the region president will appoint a member of the committee/council to complete the term.  The appointee may then be eligible for a full term on completion.

8.04     Duties of Standing Committees/Councils. Provide communication between region and State standing committees/councils.  Attend and report on state committee/council meetings.  Provide communication between region and charter committees/councils.  Establish goals, issues at leadership conference.  Provide for inservice needs of region membership.


8.05     Committee/Council Funding. Active status requires a committee/council to file a yearly plan of activities and membership list with the vice-president/committees/councils.  A basic allocation is budgeted by the board.  Active status committees/councils may draw funds from the Treasurer on presentation of a request for payment form.  Committees/Councils may also apply to the vice-president committees/councils for region activity design funding.  The vice-president committees/councils will present the request to the board for approval.

8.06     Special Committees.  These committees will be appointed each year at the leadership conference:

Awards Committee.  The past-president is responsible for a region awards program and coordination with the State awards program.  No member of this committee may be an award nominee or serve two consecutive terms.

Newsletter/Media.  The board will appoint an editor each year.  The editor will also coordinate communications programs within the region for the benefit of its members.

Other Committees.  Other special committees may be developed and appointed by the board.


8.07     Responsibility to Charters.  Committee/council chairpersons shall develop a close working relationship with charter committee/council chairpersons through communications from State and region of current education and association issues.


Article IX — Charters

9.01     Eligibility.  Any local organization composed of active members eligible for membership in ACSA is eligible to apply for charter or sub-charter affiliation.


9.02     Governance.  All charters shall be subject to State ACSA bylaws and Region XIX bylaws along with all reasonable rules and regulations of the State and region.

-Application for charter or sub-charter status must be made to the region board.  Upon board approval the application must be approved by the State.

-Charters shall have bylaws consistent with the State and region bylaws.  Copies of the current charter bylaws must be on file in the region office.

-Sub-charter status may be granted by the board to districts with distance/time factors or unusual circumstances.  Written agreements with the charter and sub-charter and region must be approved by the board.  A yearly review will be made by the president-elect and report made to the board at its final meeting.

9.03     Program.  Each charter shall plan its own program to be consistent with the policies, positions, and guidelines of State ACSA and Region XIX.


9.04     Financial Responsibility.  Each charter may develop its own financial program and provide safe banking procedures for its funds.  The State and region must be provided with a financial statement prior to July 1 each year.  A charter who cannot maintain an active status will submit all funds to the region financial officer for deposit in the region funds.  Upon gaining active status, the funds will be returned to the charter.

Charter Funding.  The region will allocate to active status charters State ACSA membership rebate funds.


Basic Funding.  A basic amount, as described in the budget guidelines will be sent to the charter president by November 1 or upon completion of the requirements for active status.  If the requirements are not met by the appropriate date, the charter will not receive the funds.


Special Funding.  Charters will share ACSA member rebate funds as described in the budget guidelines.


Activity Project Designs.  Additional funds may be requested by submitting an activity project design with the president-elect for approval by the board.


9.05     Active Status.  Active status requires the charter president to submit to the region office by the appropriate date:  a charter financial statement, a charter budget, a listing of the charter officers, and a copy of the current charter bylaws.


Article X — State ACSA Committees

10.01   Nominations.  Region nominations for ACSA members to serve on State committees will be made by the President with board approval based on recommendations made to the vice-president/committees by each committee and the board.  Appointments will be made by State ACSA.


10.02   Term of Service.  Three year appointments unless otherwise provided in ACSA or region policies or standing rules.


Article XI — Financial Rules, Bonding

11.01      Financial.  The board will designate each year those who will be responsible for maintaining fiscal integrity of the region.  The past-president shall be the designated Region XIX financial officer.  A treasurer shall be appointed to oversee the fiscal operations.  A bookkeeper may be hired to administer the day to day region business and necessary financial reports to the board and State ACSA.

11.02   Rules.  The board may establish rules that are consistent with these bylaws in order to carry out the policies, procedures, and programs of the region.


11.03   Bonding.  All individuals with significant Region XIX financial responsibilities, including those authorized to sign checks, shall be bonded with appropriate limits as determined by the board.

11.04   Budget.  The board shall have the Region Treasurer prepare an annual budget with approval at the June Leadership Conference.  The members present at the conference must approve the budget.  A published budget must be made available to the region membership.

11.05   Audit.  The president shall have the books audited with copies filed with the board and the region office.

11.06   Fiscal Year.  July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

11.07   Disbursement of Funds.  Active charters and committees/councils will receive ACSA member rebate funds as described in the budget guidelines.

11.08   Bank Accounts.  The region and charters may establish bank accounts in reputable financial institutions.  The committees will receive funds on request as described in the budget guidelines.

11.09   Budget Guidelines.  The Region Treasurer and Past President will review the financial position of the region and develop the budget and guidelines for approval the June Leadership Conference.  The members present at the conference will approve the budget.  The budget will be published for region members.

Article XII — Amendment of Bylaws

19.01   Amendment of Bylaws.  These bylaws may be amended by the delegate assembly with a 2/3 vote of the members present.  All proposals must be given, in writing, to the board.  The board must submit the proposal, in writing, to members of the regional delegate assembly 30 days prior to the delegate assembly where action is to be taken.  Any changes become effective following the vote.


Article XIII — Interpretation

13.01   Interpretation.  These bylaws are subject to and consistent with State ACSA bylaws and must be interpreted so as to conform with State ACSA bylaws, as they may be amended from time to time.


Adopted May 12, 2005
Revised September 27, 2011
Revised September 12, 2012
Revised December 1, 2014