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Calling all CalRTA members and everyone affected by the unfair Social Security penalties:  Please send weekly emails to the following legislators (their staff and email are listed) AND your elected Representative.


Copy and paste the letter below into an email to your representative. Use the following link to locate your rep. https://www.house.gov/


I am a California retired teacher and am writing you today to urge you to add H.R. 141 to the next stimulus plan or to suspend the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO).

Retired seniors are not only facing harsher health related issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic but also our economic security is becoming more dire.  H.R. 141 (Social Security Fairness Act of 2019) is a bi-partisan bill introduced by Congressman Rodney Davis (R- IL-13) that repeals the WEP and GPO.

These unfair Social Security penalties are applied to EARNED benefits.  They are drastic and cause financial hardship to many public servants and private sector employees who worked in specific public sector jobs. These penalties need to be repealed now to ensure that public servants do not continue to be penalized during this economic crisis.