Name, Principal, Purposes and Restrictions
1.01 Name
The name of the Region is Association of California School Administrators, Region IX (ACSA Region IX) a geographical division of the Association of California School Administrators (11 State ACSA) embracing the following California counties: Fresno, Madera, Merced, Mariposa.
1.02 Purpose
The purpose of Region IX is to promote within the region the purposes of State ACSA as stated in the ACSA Bylaws, with programs and activities similar to and consistent with those of ACSA.
(a) To advance education through research and investigation.
(b) To improve the education process by helping members become more effective in their various roles as educational leaders.
(c) To meet the needs of members by providing a single organization to represent these needs to other public with whom school administrators interact.
(d) To create the resources that will enable California School Administrators to develop and apply creative leadership.
(e) To disseminate information about the school administrator’s profession through publications, conference and various field services.
(f) To actively influence programs of training, preparation and screening of persons desiring to become administrators.
1.03 Restrictions
All policies and activities of the Region shall be consistent with
(a) State ACSA Bylaws, Policies and Standing Rules;
(b) Applicable federal, state, and local antitrust and trade regulations laws;
(c) Applicable tax-exemption requirements;
(d) All other legal requirements including the California Nonprofit Corporation Law under which State ACSA is incorporated and to which the regions are subject; and
(e) The Region IX Directory of Charters and Officers or any part must not be given to or copied for any outside organization without the written permission from Region IX ACSA. Request for permission to use parts of the directory for one-time informational mailings may be submitted in writing to the current Region IX President.
2.01 Membership Qualifications
Membership in ACSA Region IX shall be limited to persons who are members of State ACSA in good standing and who are employed or live within the geographical boundaries of the region.
2.02 Membership Obligation to Follow Association Rules
Each member of this Region agrees to be bound by these bylaws and any amendments thereto and by the lawful actions of the Board or voting members of the Region.
3.01 Dues
The Board shall assess dues, if appropriate.
Executive Board and Board of Directors
4.01 Composition of Board of Directors
The board is the governing body of the region and has authority and is responsible for the supervision, control and direction of the Region. The following individuals serve as members of state and/or region committees:
Adult Education, Business Services, Classified Educational Leaders, Co-Administration, Continuation & Educational Options/Alternative Educational, Curriculum/Instruction and Evaluation, Diversity Equal Educational Opportunity, Elementary Education, Human Resources, Legislative Action, Legislative Policy, Membership Services, Middle Grades Education, Pupil Services Special Education, Retirement, Secondary Education, Superintendency, and the State ACSA Standing Committees Urban Education, and ACSNCAPEA.
4.02 Composition of Executive Board
The Executive Board consists of 15 elected officers and charter presidents who shall be regular members in good standing as follows:
9 Elected Officers – President, President-Elect, Vice President Legislation, Vice President Programs, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President, Public Relations Officer, and State ACSA Board Director.
6 Charter Presidents – Fresno Consolidated Charter, Fresno County Charter, Mariposa Madera County Charter, Merced County Charter, Student Associate Charter and Retirees Charter.
4.03 Election and Term of Office
The members shall elect new officers at an annual election to be conducted in the Spring.
4.04 Meetings
The board shall meet no less than six times per year.
4.05 Notice
The board may hold regular meetings without notice if the time and place of such meetings is fixed by the board. The board may hold special meetings upon sufficient notice as set by the board, provided reasonable attempts are made to notify each director. The board may also meet without notice if each director signs a waiver to that effect.
4.06 Quorum
A quorum of the Executive Board consists of 9 members present.
4.07 Board Action
Every act or decision done or made by a majority of the directors present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present is the act of the Board.
5.01 Officers
The officers of the region shall be: President, President-Elect, Vice President for Legislative Action, Vice President for Programs, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, State ACSA Board Director and Past President.
5.02 Qualifications
Officers must be regular members of State ACSA.
5.03 Election and Term of Office
Officers shall be elected by the members annually, and State Committee Members/Region Committee Chairs appointed by the Region President-Elect prior to the last Region meeting of the Spring. Region IX’s representative to the State ACSA Superintendency Committee will be selected as provided in Article VII.
5.04 Duties
The officers perform those duties that are usual to their positions and that are assigned to them by the board, including those duties that are set forth in the position descriptions for each officer as adopted by the board from time to time. The President, President-Elect and Vice President for Legislative Action shall also serve as the regional delegates to the ACSA Delegate Assembly; each officer may designate another regular member to serve in his or her place at a meeting of the ACSA Delegate Assembly. It is an expectation that all Region IX officers listed below attend all region meetings and general assemblies.
(a) President: The president of the Region shall
(1) Preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors of the Region,
(2) Appoint committee members after consultation with the chairperson and regional officers.
(3) Provide leadership to the Region and perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to the office of President.
(4) Serve as a voting member of the State Delegate Assembly.
(b) President-Elect: The President-Elect shall act as an aide to the President and shall serve in his/her absence in all duties pertaining to that office. S/he shall succeed to the Presidency automatically S/he shall serve on the nominating committee. S/he shall prepare and/or make current the Officers Handbook. S/he shall coordinate the State Committee Chairpersons and serve as a voting member of the State Delegate Assembly,
(c) Vice President for Legislative Action: elected for a two year term.
(1) Attend meetings of State Legislative Action Committee.
(2) Provide leadership to the Region Legislative Action Committee.
(3) Serve as coordinator for Region IX ballot proposal fund drives.
(4) Serve as a voting member of the State Delegate Assembly
(d) Vice President- Programs: The Vice President- Programs shall be in charge of program planning. S/he shall keep the President informed of all plans for programs. The Vice President will chair the program committee consisting of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations Officer,
(e) Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings at the Board of Directors meetings and the Conferences and shall present same at the next meeting of either body. S/he will also carry out correspondence as directed by the President, and serve on the program committee.
(f) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing a budget and shall expend funds accordingly. S/he shall keep accurate records and make reports at Board Meetings and conferences or upon request of the President. S/he shall submit his/her records for audit at the end of his/her term of office or upon request of the Board of Directors. S/he shall serve on the program committee.
(g) Public Relations Officer: The Public Relations Officer shall be responsible for developing 3-year strategies to promote education and Region IX ACSA. S/he shall chair the Region IX Public Relations Committee which is composed of one representative from each charter. Duties also include assisting the Public Relations Coordinator for each charter. S/he shall serve on the program committee. S/he will be responsible for seeing that the Region IX newsletter is published a minimum of three times a year by the Newsletter Editor,
(h) State Delegate Assembly: The Region President, President-Elect, and Vice President for Legislative Action shall be voting members of State Delegate Assembly.
(i) Past President: The immediate Past President shall serve as Region Parliamentarian and chairperson of the Nominating Committee and the Bylaws Revision Committee.
(j) All officers shall deliver to new officers all briefcases, records, correspondence, etc. pertaining to that office at the close of their term of office.
5.05 Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy of a director position, the Region which elected the director shall fill the vacant position.
5.06 Removal
An officer may be removed for adequate reason as determined by the Board. A board member may be removed from office by either a majority vote of the Board of Directors or by a majority vote of the voting membership present at the yearly election meeting. It is the intention of the Region that any region officer who misses three meetings in a row be removed from office.
Selection of State ACSA Board Director
6.01 State ACSA Board Director
Pursuant to state bylaw 5.03, the Region shall select a State ACSA Board Director in the manner provided in these Bylaws. This person must be a regular member in good standing of the Region.
6.02 Election and Term of Office
The State ACSA Board Director shall be elected for a three-year term by the members, provided the term shall terminate whenever a director ceases to be a regular member of the Region. Notification of vacancy shall be sent to all Region IX members, and nominations will be accepted at large. The Region Board of Directors shall certify the candidates and send ballots to all members for election.
6.03 Duties
The State ACSA Board Director shall perform those duties as are prescribed by the ACSA Bylaws, Standing Rules and Policies, as amended from time to time. The State ACSA Board Director shall communicate with the region respecting all significant ACSA matters which are relevant to the Region,
6.04 Vacancy
In the event of a vacancy in the office of State ACSA Board Director, the Board may fill the vacancy,
Selection of Representative to State ACSA Superintendency Committee
7.01 Selection Procedures
(a) Region IX Charters will send nominations to the Region IX Board of Directors.
(b) Region IX Board of Directors will verify the nominees as members in good standing.
(c) Superintendents within Region IX who are ACSA members will elect a representative.
Membership Meetings
8.01 Annual Membership Meeting
An annual Membership will be held at the regularly scheduled February Region IX meeting that is held in conjunction with the Administrator Awards Dinner.
Committees, Auditors and General Counsel Rules and Bonding
9.01 Committees
The Board or the President may establish committees from time to time and may appoint members of such committees, provided that the President or Board Designate in writing in reasonable detail, the exact mission and authority of the committee and its duty to report to the Board at reasonable intervals.
9.02 Rules
The Board may establish rules that are consistent with these Bylaws for the policies, procedures, and programs of the Region.
9.03 Audit
The Treasurer shall submit his/her records for audit at the end of his/her term of office or upon request of the Board of Directors.
State ACSA Committees/Councils
10.01 Nominations
In cooperation with the Region President, the Presidents of Charters shall submit nominations to the Board for service on State ACSA Committees.
10.02 Term
The term of service on State ACSA Committees shall be three years unless otherwise provided in State ACSA Policies and Standing Rules.
11.01 Eligibility
Any local organization composed of active members from union high school districts, elementary school districts, unified school districts, county offices of any combination is eligible to apply for a charter affiliation.
Special, Retired, Associate, Student and Organization Membership: Eligibility for Special, Retired, Associate, Student and Organization membership shall be the same as the Bylaws of State ACSA, as amended from time to time by the State Delegate Assembly. Note: State ACSA Bylaws may be found in the State Members Handbook.
11.02 Governance
All charters within the Region shall be subject to State ACSA Bylaws, these Bylaws and all reasonable rules and regulations of the Region.
Amendment of Bylaws
12.01 Amendment
These Bylaws may be amended at a regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors and ratified by a majority vote of the members in attendance at the annual membership meeting. The Board shall notify membership of all revisions made to the bylaws.
13.01 Interpretation
These bylaws are subject to and must be consistent with State ACSA Bylaws and must be interpreted so as to conform with State ACSA Bylaws, as they may be amended from time to time.