Every Student Succeeding 2017

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[youtube]https://youtu.be/K-MP8hdoBR8[/youtube] Poway student finds redemption after prison His fall from grace is difficult to comprehend. Rodney Lacanienta had a self-described “good and normal upbringing.” He grew up in a two parent household with a loving family. Rodney Lacanienta was not … Continued

Every Student Succeeding 2016

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The All-American Refuge [youtube width=”560″ height=”315″]https://youtu.be/RRd04EgKIfI[/youtube] Mohammed Mohammed’s story has a happy ending. But the cruel reality is Mohammed’s story is the exception. “He’s a very inspirational case,” said Sophia Jacoub, an English language coordinator in Grossmont Union High School … Continued

2016 “Honoring Our Own” Awards Dinner

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2016 “Honoring Our Own” Awards Dinner Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel & Resort Region 18’s 2016 Awardees were celebrated at the Honoring our Own Awards Dinner on March 18, 2016. Read the story and view photos in the Fall, 2016 issue of the Communicator.

2014 Every Student Succeeding

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Alannamae Charfauros Daniel Boone Elementary School, San Diego USD During the 2012-13 school year, Alannamae endured a major tragedy and was sent to live with her extended family. The English language learner had already proven herself to be tenacious and … Continued

2015 Every Student Succeeding

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Kamil Robinson Hoover High School, San Diego USD Supporting ACSA Member: Joe Austin, Principal, Hoover HS Support Team: Robert Robinson, Teacher, Hoover HS; Terena White, Counselor, Hoover HS Determination and grit are what best describe Kamil Robinson, a recent graduate … Continued

2012 Every Student Succeeding

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Mirza Hernandez, Region 18’s 2012 ESS Recipient Mirza Hernandez made tremendous progress in her last two years in high school. Her English teacher encouraged her to take AP English her junior year, which required a leap of faith from Mirza … Continued