Every Student Can Succeed

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Region 18 2013 Every Student Succeeding

Eduardo Arredondo is a student who could have easily fallen through the cracks. In middle school, his grade point average was 1.93, and by eighth grade, he had eight failing grades. By the time he entered Vista High School, he had 28 absences and 38 tardies. He was brought before the School Attendance Review Board, which found he was in dire need of intervention and counseling services.

His principal brought together a student study team, and developed an individual education plan to help him reach his academic and behavioral goals. His principal would call him early in the morning to make sure he was up for school. Weekly counseling sessions from his therapist helped him gain the confidence to stay the course.

By his senior year, Eduardo earned a 3.67 grade point average and a previously unattainable goal of attending college.