Lorelle Dawes & Joe Dyess
April 27, 2022 was National Administrative Professionals Day and North Ventura Charter celebrated our Amazing Administrative Professionals with a celebration at Bocalli’s Restaurant in Ojai. This is an annual NVC event and is always well-attended and enjoyed. The 2022 celebration was the first in-person one since 2019 and was a great opportunity to reconnect. Taking place in the beautiful Ojai surroundings in the outside grounds of the restaurant, attendees had the opportunity to gather and socialize with their friends and colleagues. MC, NVC President Lorelle Dawes welcomed the approximately120 guests to an afternoon of food, beverages, camaraderie and gifts! District administrators invited their outstanding professional staff members to join them in the celebration that saw each and every Administrative Professional leave with a gift donated by local businesses, NVC Board members, and others.