1. Region President, Past President, President Elect and two additional Executive Board members shall receive registration, lodging, meals, and travel paid. Lodging amount to be equal or less than the cost of the Main Hotel of the Summit. Hotels shall only be reimbursed for the night before the start of the conference and the Region will not pay beyond the last day of the conference. Travel to include coach/economy air or mileage and gasoline if traveling by car and parking fees when Summit is held in Southern California. Air Travel should be used only if it’s the least expensive way to travel. It is most cost effective to book flight reservations early. In addition to airfare and parking fees, ground transportation round trip home/airport (e.g., Prime Shuttle) also to be reimbursed when Summit is held in Northern California.
  2. Region pays for up to 10 registrations (or vouchers, whichever is less expensive) total. The following Executive Board members may receive reimbursement for the cost of registration fees , whether or not they made the early bird deadline: Treasurer, Secretary, VP Programs, VP Leg Action, VP Member Services, VP Awards and Recognition, and VP Communications/Public Relations. If less than 10 Executive Board members wish to attend, and depending on finances, the same offer may be extended to Executive Board VP Elects, Directors, and Committee/Council chairs on a first-come, first-served basis, up to the 10 total. This should be discussed at Executive Board level. (Professional Development Chair, Consultant)
  3. Region will only support a social hospitality room at the Leadership Summit in years when the Region is presenting a candidate from Region 14 for State ACSA office. (Consultant)
  4. Every Student Succeeding award winner – Region will reimburse or fund directly the travel, lodging, and reasonable meal expenses for the family of the student state winner. Region contribution will not exceed $1,000. (Past President, Treasurer)
  5. To thank attendees to the Leadership Summit, the Region will fund attendance at the Administrator Awards Banquet on the Friday evening of the Leadership Summit, for each attendee and for a maximum amount of $2,000.


  1. Create a line item to save funds for a candidate running for State ACSA office. Change the budget line for “social” to “state candidate support.” (Treasurer)


  1. Up to 6 Board members receive lodging, reasonable meals, travel. “Lodging” consists of ACSA allowance for double-occupancy, with Region 14 paying the difference to stay in a single room. “Reasonable meals” includes a DAY 1 lunch (not to exceed $25) and DAY 2 dinner (not to exceed $40). The region and/orACSA provides Day 1 dinner and Day 2 breakfast and lunch. Sacramento travel includes coach/economy air (not to exceed $400) and local transportation from the airport to hotel and back (if possible, members are encouraged to ‘taxi pool’ with 3+ members, as that cost is less than a shuttle). Either airport parking fees or local travel round trip home/airport (e.g., Prime Shuttle, rideshare) also to be reimbursed. Rental cars will not be reimbursed. (Past President, Treasurer)
  2. The Region will pay lodging, reasonable meals and travel expenses for either the VPLA, President, or member from each charter. (See #1)
  3. Region 14 shall host a dinner for those in attendance. (Treasurer)
  4. Reimbursement for overnight hotel accommodations is authorized only if the meeting is more than one day or if travel arrangements necessitate staying overnight and need to be approved in advance by the Region President. Hotels shall only be reimbursed for one night of Legislative action and the Region will not pay before or beyond the last day of legislative action. Any additional days will not be reimbursed.


  1. Student awards shall be $250.
  2. Entertainment honorarium for the event shall not exceed $300, with every effort made to be under budget.
  3. Student may bring no more than four guests for free.
  4. Each charter will provide one winner and one runner up to the region level, and at least one of the students will be honored at the region level. One student from the Region will be honored at the state level.
  5. A maximum of 19 students will be honored by the region. The goal of the Board is to recognize one student from each charter; however, if not all charters turn in names, the nomination committee holds the right to select multiple students from a charter, not to exceed a maximum of two students per charter, to be recognized as long as the nominees meet the criteria.
  6. The region will pay for the scholarship and dinner for each award recipient and four guests not to exceed the maximum of 19 honorees.
  7. Administrator Award winners may bring one guest to the dinner at no charge.
  8. The Region will pay the cost of attendance to the ACSA awards banquet for up to 5 individuals if they are a part of the “Partners in Education” group being awarded for their service to ACSA.


  1. Charter receives a per-member rebate after turning in complete packet of information. $ 20/ACSA member in their charter as of November 1 of that year. (Past President, Treasurer)
  2. Charter receives a forms rebate of $ $500 if they turn in completed packet at the annual summer Advance, and $100 if they turn it in before the October Delegate Assembly. Special exceptions require Executive Board action. (Past President, Treasurer)


  1. Region 14 believes in encouraging participation in ACSA professional development activities. While ACSA provides a variety of options, professional development scholarships (PDS) are only provided for academies, summer residential institutes, or approved Charter Professional Development activity.
  2. Applicants for Professional Development Scholarships (PDS) must be current ACSA members. (verified by VP Membership, Professional Development Chair)
  3. Professional Development Scholarships shall not exceed 50% of the total cost of the professional development activity.
  4. All PDS scholarship applications must be signed by the appropriate Charter President prior to submission to the Professional Development Chair. After reviewing all PDS applications, the Professional Development Chair will bring recommendations to the Executive Board. If more than ten PDS applications are received, the Chair will convene a sub-committee to assist with the review and he/she will share the process with the Executive Board. Final decision-making authority rests with the Executive Board. (verified by Professional Development Chair, Executive Board)
  5. Maximum funds allocated toward individual PDS is $5000 per year for the entire Region.
  6. Applicants will be reimbursed provided their application for PDS grant is approved by the Executive Board. The application must be received by the Board prior to the commencement of the professional development activities, and reimbursement will be issued after completion of the professional development activities. Evidence of completion (i.e. certificate and proof of payment) should be submitted to the Professional Development Chair. (verified by Professional Development Chair, Treasurer)
  7. PDS recipients will provide a short video or presentation of their experience during the professional development activity.
  8. An ACSA member who applies for a PDS may only apply for one event per year. Priority will be given to new applicants over past recipients.
  9. Charter requests for Professional Development Scholarships may receive up to $500 toward a speaker and/or reasonable meals. The maximum amount to be spent by the Region toward these Charter PDS is $2,000 annually. The PDS request must be made to the Region Professional Development Chair in advance of the event. The Charter must invite other Charters to the activity to qualify for a Charter PDS. (verified by Professional Development Chair)


  1. Region 14 strongly believes that charters should engage in activities designed to recognize students and their achievements.
  2. Charters may apply for fiscal support up to an amount of $500 to cover expenses related to student-focused events.
  3. Applicants will only be granted this support if approved by the Executive Board. A Student Event Support Request (SESR) form must be submitted to the Vice President – Programs and information must be presented to the Board prior to the commencement of the event and reimbursement will be issued after completion of the event. Evidence of completion (i.e. event program, proof of payment) should be submitted to the Vice President – Programs.
  4. Charters are eligible to receive support for two of these events each fiscal year and the total support in a fiscal year throughout Region 14 will not exceed $10,000.
  5. All SESR forms must be signed by the appropriate Charter President prior to submission to the Vice President – Programs. After reviewing the form, the Vice President – Programs will share a recommendation with the Executive Board during a regular meeting. Final decision-making authority regarding approval of the request rests with the Executive Board.
  6. The Vice President – Programs will notify the appropriate Charter President or designee of the decision of the Executive Board regarding the request for support.


  1. Incentives to increase membership shall be brought by the VP of Membership to the Executive Board for consideration. (VP Membership)
  2. Other incentives to increase membership shall be brought by the VP of Membership to the Executive Board for consideration. (VP Membership)


  1. Region 14 believes in supporting members who are recognized for their support of students.
  2. Charters Presidents or Region Executive Board Members may request region promotion of contests soliciting votes to support a Region 14 ACSA member.
  3. Contests and/or recognition must be education related and must be of significant benefit to students, a school, or district, not just the individual. Potential awardee must be a current ACSA Region 14 member.
  4. Applicants will only be granted this support if approved by the Executive Board. A request must be submitted to the Region President and information must be presented to the Board.
  5. With board approval, region will share contest and/or recognition information via social media for any current ACSA Region 14 member.