Administrator of the Year Award Dinner – April 18, 2024

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On April 18, Region 14 celebrated our Administrators of the Year with an award presentation and dinner at the stunning Palos Verdes Golf Club. In front of a view stretching from the ocean to the hills of Los Angeles, Region 14 lauded the hard- working and inspiring individuals who made up this year’s crop of award winners. With speeches that ran the gamut from funny, to heartwarming, to serious, these amazing individuals reminded the assembled guests why we work in education, the vital importance of a good administrator, that good administrators can only exist with the help of strong supporting teams, and ACSA’s role in helping them grow and thrive.

In addition to celebrating these 14 from 14, we also recognized Region 14’s two State winners, Dr. Wayne Diulio, TUSD and Ali Rabiei, ESUSD.