ACSA Region 14 celebrates the 2019-2020 Administrator of the Year Award Recipients!
Click on the recipients’ names to watch videos of the award ceremony.
Superintendent of the Year | Dr. John Garcia |
Secondary Principal of the Year | James Christopher Sheck |
Middle Grades Principal of the Year | Yvonne Marin |
Elementary Principal of the Year | Dr. Alice Lee |
Central Office Aministrator of the Year | Antoinette (Nettie) Laiolo |
Secondary Co-Administrator of the Year | Dr. Deborah Hofrieter |
Adult Education Administrator of the Year | Blanca Rochin |
Special Education Administrator of the Year | Kim D. Ransom |
Curriculum and Instruction Administrator of the Year | Eileen Burkholder |
Partners in Educational Excellence Award | Giving Children Hope |
Partners in Educational Excellence Award | Adventures in Art |
Valuing Diversity Award | Dr. Valencia Mayfield II |