ACSA’s 19 regions divide the state geographically and provide valuable opportunities for professional involvement with administrators in nearby school districts. The regional structure allows your voice to be heard on education issues. Each region elects regional officers who also serve as the region’s voice at the statewide Delegate Assembly. In addition, regions elect a regional representative to ACSA’s state Board of Directors. ACSA regions offer networking opportunities, professional development workshops and programs tailored to meet local needs. A portion of your dues (14 percent) is rebated to regions for these programs and activities.

The Charter Level
More than 200 charters have been created within regions to address the local interests of members in one or more school districts. The charter structure gives ACSA its grassroots strength. If you are new to a district, the local ACSA charter is an excellent forum in which to meet your colleagues, share experiences and learn about district issues. Charter presidents are listed under each region’s page.